Local stay and play groups
There are a number of stay and plays that can be located around Small Heath and local areas. Stay and plays are usually aimed at children 0-4 years old. They are essential for supporting your child and you as a parent. They allow children to socialise and play with other children their age.
Birmingham Well Being
Stay and Play
Ages: 0 - 5
Days: Friday
Times: 10:00 - 12:00
Birmingham Wellbeing Centre, Muntz Street, B10 9RX
0121 464 6131
District: Ladywood
Open Door Friendship Centre
Ages: 0 - 5
Days: Wednesday
Times: 1:30 - 3:00
388 Green Lane, Birmingham, B9 5QJ
0121 293 2201
District: Hodge Hill
Al-Ansar Mother and Toddler
Ages: 0-5
Days: Tuesday
Times: 10:00 - 12:00
Bordesley Green Allotments, 529A Bodesley Green Road, B9 5PA
District: Hodge Hill
Christ Church Sparkbrook
Stay and Play
Ages: 0 - 5
Days: Thursday
Times: 1:00 - 2:30
Christ Church, Farm Road, Sparkbrook
District: Hall Green
Nature Tots
Ages: 1 - 5
Days: Friday
Times: 10:30 - 12:00
EcoPark Environmental Centre for Birmingham & Black Country Wildlife Trust, 258 Hob Moor Rd
0770 4146529
District: Hodge Hill
A.B.C - St Paul's Church
Ages: 0 - 5
Days: Friday
Times: 10:00 - 12:00 / 1:00 - 2:30
St Paul's Church, 405 Belchers Lane, Bordesley Green
District: Hodge Hill
Go-Woman Alliance
Ages: 0 - 4
Days: Monday/ Thursday
Times: 9:30 - 11:30 / 1:00 2:30
140 Alum Rock Road, Saltley, Birmingham, (Behind Saltley Methodist Church)
0121 327 2997
District: Hodge Hill
Bumps and Bundles
Ages: 0 - 1
Days: Wednesday
Times: 10:30 - 11:30
140 Alum Rock Road, Saltly, Birmingham, B8 1HU (Behind Saltley Methodist Church)
0121 327 2997
District: Hodge Hill
Stay and Play for children with additional needs.