Our pupils are extremely proud to be reaccredited as an Investors in Pupils School. Our Self assessment has been quality assured by the Investors in Pupils Central Team.
June 2018
We are pleased at Somerville because in the summer term 2018 we were awarded the Investors in Pupils quality mark. This award will last for three years. Please read the following reports to find out about the impact Investors in Pupils has had on us here at Somerville.
What is it all about?
At Somerville Primary School we care about our pupils.
This quality award recognises the achievement of the whole school. It values all pupils and helps them to improve the understanding of their role in their learning journey.
At Somerville Primary School we are working hard towards achieving the 'Investors in Pupils' award. We have always worked hard to ensure our pupils feel respected, safe and listened to, and that they learn to value and recognise their role within the community. We felt that the 'Investors in Pupils Award' would recognise this, but also enable us to have all these principles at the heart of our school.
The staff and children are working hard together to improve the following five areas in the school.
- Behaviour
- Learning
- Attendance
- Classroom management
- Induction of new pupils and new staff members
All Classes have a display in their classroom which includes their class target, mission statement and individual personal targets. All classes spent time in the first few weeks back at school creating a book for their class which will show new children, staff and visitors into their classroom.
Recognising success
Every Monday we have our very special Merit Assembly. This assembly acknowledges success in order for children to feel proud of their achievements. Their pictures are put up on display for all to see!
Vision Statements
All members of the class contribute towards a vision statement of how they will work together.
Individual needs
Pupils understand that everyone learns differently.
Pupils respect one another and differences are embraced.
Supporting adults
Pupils are aware of the roles of supporting adults and how they contribute to their learning and help them achieve. Pupils have worked with their teachers to learn about how different adults and staff members support their individual personal and social development.
Pupil Voice
All pupils have a voice; at Somerville we want to hear yours! Pupils have the opportunity to express their opinions through many different avenues such as the school council suggestion boxes, our Salaam Somerville magazine and through pupil teacher conversation days. Let us know what you think!
Recognising rewards
Pupils have influenced the existing reward system in school. Pupils have reviewed what works and what does not work. Pupils have then identified which approaches motivate members to achieve. Pupils are rewarded with yellow slips at lunch time and house points in class. These then contribute towards larger rewards.
Financial understanding
All pupils have a financial understanding of money and resources costs within school. Key stage 2 are even looking at the school budget! We are understanding that we need to respect our classroom equipment.
Roles and Responsibilities
All pupils have the opportunity to take on additional roles and responsibilities within the classroom and around school. We have many roles available around school including;
- Investors in Pupils leaders
- Rights respecting steering group
- The School council
- The Eco warriors
- Cool Friends
- Sports crew
- Library assistants
- Lunchtime monitors
- And many more!
Mrs Khan is one of the school governors. She came in to discuss her role with the pupils. She even joined Year 2 on their educational visit to the Botanical gardens!