6. How will I know about the progress my child is making?
- All pupils at Somerville, including those with special educational needs are set targets in English and maths on a regular basis. These are shared with parents either in person or through the home/school planner which each child is given at the start of the year. Parents are given termly updates on their child’s progress. Teachers may discuss any child causing them concern with their parents on a more frequent basis.
- For pupils with special educational needs there are additional opportunities for parents to meet with the staff involved in supporting their child and to discuss their progress. These meetings might include members of support services and wherever possible the child themselves.
- For pupils with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP), previously known as a 'statement', there is a statutory requirement to meet each year for an ‘annual review’ of the child’s needs. Parents are always invited to take part in these meetings and wherever possible the child is there too. The views of parents and the child are a central part of the report that goes to the local authority.