Pacifier/Soothers and Bottles

Pacifier/dummies/soothers can be useful for children under one years old. But over 1 years old children do not need dummies or bottles. Dummies can cause irreversible damage.  

  • Tooth decay – children's teeth may become rotten and decayed and may need to be removed.  
  • Dummies and bottles can cause teeth to grow differently which can effect speech such as pronunciation of words.  
  • Dummies cause more saliva. Dribbling can cause sore rashes around the mouth and chin that could get infected.  
  • Stops your child from babbling which helps them to talk.  
  • Causes speech delays.  

Getting rid of Dummies and bottles may be hard. But doing it early will increase chances of normal development in your child. If you need any support and advice please talk to us at Somerville or our School Nurse Jo Hill